This site provides interactive online resources for ancient and world history including educational games, videos, simulated chats with historical characters, and an educational alternate reality game

Columbus' Mistake l Early Native American Life l The Atlantic World 1490 l Mayan Sacrifice (Apocalypto)
Watch "Machu Picchu" Video l Watch "Archaeology of an Ancient Maya City" Video l Watch "The Maya Collapse" Video
Watch "The Maya" Video l Watch "The Aztecs" Video l Watch "The Inca" Video l Lords of the Earth l Ice Mummies of the Inca

Aztec Calendar (Updated Daily!) l PBS: The Conquistadors l Virtual Reality Models of Ancient American Sites
Journal of Columbus l Columbus Explorations 1492-1504 l 1492 Video l Columbus (animated)

PastChat (NEW!) l Adventures in World History Channel (NEW!)

Adventures in World History l Adventures in American History l Ancient Civilizations l World Civilizations l CyberMuseum
American Beginnings l The Colonies l French & Indian War l The American Revolution
Forming a Government l U.S. Presidents l Westward Bound l The Civil War
WebQuests l E-Portfolios l Email Mr. D'Ambrosio

Online dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and much more...

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site designed by Jay D'Ambrosio 2008