F) Your curiosity gets the best of you. When no one is watching, you slip head-first down the narrow shaft. At times it feels as if you can't take a full breath. You have to remind yourself to remain in control and not to panic. Your pitch black surroundings don't help either. After what seems like hours you see a light at the end of the tunnel. As you crawl nearer to the light, you begin to realize that you must be near the King's chamber. As you crawl out into the light you rub your arms and legs just to check to see if they are still there. You think to yourself that this must be were the Pharaoh's mummy will be placed one day. You get the feeling that you probably shouldn't be here. Just as that thought materializes, you hear a gruff voice shout "GRAVE ROBBER!!". Two priests wearing white robes and carrying torches rush toward you. Their bald heads glisten in the firelight. One grabs your arms from behind while the other bashes a copper rod on the top of your head. You awaken to the muffled sounds of hymns being sung to the sun-god. "It must be sunset," you think to yourself. "Ouch!” It hurts to think. That priest really gave you a wallop. You shift your gaze from one side to the next, completely dark. You try to sit up but knock your head against something solid. To your horror, you begin to realize that the priests have mistaken you for a grave robber and that now you are paying the ultimate price. You have been sealed inside a coffin alive!