R) You have always wanted to go to the Colosseum! You and the other nobles dry off and head out into the streets of Rome, toward the Colosseum. As you enter the Colosseum, the guards nod their approval. Since everyone thinks you are a noble, you are allowed to sit near the arena floor. How exciting! The noise of the crowd echoes through the entire stadium. However, nothing could have prepared you for the entrance of the Emperor! Caesar struts into the Colosseum and the crowd goes wild. “Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!” they shout. He waves at the citizens of Rome, and then takes his seat. The crowd grows quiet with anticipation. The crowd cheers and whistles when the gladiators are hoisted up from their catacombs below. The two armor clad men strike at each other with swords, steel nets, and three pronged tridents. Another pair of gladiators enter the arena and prepare to do battle. Some of the things you see in the Colosseum shock and disturb you. You see one gladiator at the mercy of another. As the wounded gladiator looks up to the Emperor for mercy, the Emperor in turn looks at the crowd. Unfortunately for this man, the crowd believes that he has not fought well. They give the thumbs down sign, shouting “Cut his throat!” Caesar looks pensive for a moment as he makes his decision. Wanting to please the crowd, he shows the thumbs down sign. The victorious gladiator draws his dagger quickly across the neck of the defeated with a spurt of blood. However, later on, Caesar allows another gladiator to live, since he fought well. Yes in the mighty Roman Empire, doing your duty had its rewards. What an event!




copyright Jay D'Ambrosio 2000